Akita Integrations Directory

Customer Success Software that Integrates With Promoter.io

Promoter.io is an online tool built to help companies measure loyalty and customer sentiment using the Net Promoter Score (NPS). Engage and learn from your customers by soliciting regular feedback. Capture actionable customer feedback to drive growth and retention. Promoter.io features include: - Responsive emails, cleanly designed in 27 different languages - NPS or eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) options available - Custom branding - Segmented campaigns - Drip or instant surveys - API support - Reporting such as NPS trends and feedback rates Akita pulls in NPS scores and customer feedback from Promoter.io forming a key component of your 360-degree customer view.

Promoter.io In Brief
Founded 2013
Founders Chad Keck and Ricardo Reyna
Headquarters San Antonio, Texas, United States
Price From $23 USD / mo
Website Visit 
Data Retrieved

Information We Request

When you connect Promoter.io with Akita, we automatically collect information on the following:

Person Every 6 hours
NPS Survey Every 6 hours
Connection Instructions

How to Connect Promoter.io and Akita

  • Head to the Integrations section in Akita. You'll find it under Settings (the cog icon ) in the left menu bar.

  • Click the Connect Provider button.

Connect Provider

  • Select Promoter.io from the list of available integrations.


  • Fill in the form to complete the connection. For this, you will need your API Key from your Promoter.io account.

  • That's it – all done!
Integration Results

Your Promoter.io Customer Data in Akita

  • Once connected, your Akita account will begin populating with your Promoter.io data.
Bresler's Ice Cream

NPS Survey Submitted

  • Comments I've seen a decline in the quality of service we've been getting lately.
Created on 6 July 2024 @ 02:40 PM
  • This data will appear alongside all your other customer interactions for a 360° view.
  • Segment your accounts based on data from your Promoter.io account, and from your other business tools.
NPS Promoter.io Less Than < 7 7 AND +
MRR Chargebee More Than > $1000 1K AND +
Ticket Zendesk Status Status Open Open

128 Accounts Matched. Save as Segment

  • Define lifecycle stages and make sure customers stay on track.


$72,900 MRR

CSM Insight Score
Targets 216 / 392 Achieved
Tasks 382 / 588 Achieved
  • Build Customer Success playbooks, alerts, health scores and more — all using the wealth of data gathered from your integrations.
Get the Ball Rolling

Want to learn how Akita can save your Customer Success team time?

We'd love to show you Akita in more detail and answer any questions you have about integrating Promoter.io with our Customer Success platform.

Fill in the form below to schedule a demo and get started with your Customer Success efforts.

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Have questions about how Akita Integrates with Promoter.io?

We'd love to hear them! Just email us at hello@akitaapp.com.