Customer Service for Startups

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Sep. 8th, 2014

Interesting article by Aki Kalliatakis on Ventureburn about spring cleaning a startup’s customer service and customer experience.

Spring’s a great time to re-energise your startup and a good time reorganise and spruce up what your customers experience. Here are six top tips to revitalise the experiences that they have:

1. What bugs are lurking in the corners affecting your customers – and your business?

2. Create fun and enthusiasm for your team so that they can share this with your customers

3. Generate a sense of urgency so that everything is done with more speed and responsiveness to customer needs

4. Make it easy to do business with you

5. Change and upgrade

6. Maybe it’s time to spruce up the physical environment too

When you make the decision to spring clean your customer experiences, look in every nook and cranny for opportunities to perk up your company, but always look towards the ultimate goal: making your customers happier than they were when they woke up that day.

Administering great customer service and, at the same time, creating an effective customer experience gives rise to happy customers and increases customer sales.

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